Right after college, I was very eager to find a job, find a perfect home, and if ever lucky, go abroad. Luckily, I landed my first job but after a month I decided to quit. Well, shit happens. I got stuck at home for weeks, contemplating on what to do next, until my parents helped me get back to school. So I enrolled graduate school and pursued a master's degree, so now what, again? During my first term in the graduate school, it's been really a hell for me. I have to commute to get to my class at 5:30 pm and the class usually ends at 9:00 pm. Oh boy. I have to take a ride an hour back home and end up at home by 10. It's really hard to get a ride back home at this time of the night. I can't take a cab during these hours because I have to pay the taxi driver around P600. I don't really have that kind of money in my pocket at all times. Another reason why I don't like to is because I am kinda, well, paranoid. Who knows, I might end up somewhere in the bushes. Most often than not, I am forced to stay at an internet shop for a night. Home why are you so far away?
So after a term in the graduate school, I decided to look for a job (while studying) and finally move into my first ever apartment in the City of Pines. With all the luck, I got a job and an apartment (finally!). Guess, I'm on my own now ha. Work plus school, wow! Adult life, why are you so complicated? What's in store for me for the future?
Last month on my Azalea Baguio escapade, I realized that I want to fulfill a dream of world travel. I want to explore more than just Baguio. I want to explore the whole Philippines. The whole of Asia. I want to explore the whole world.
Traveling has also been on my bucket list, but as you say sh*t happens! Hahaha! But life can turn things upside down and right now, even with 2 kids, we are trying to wande, one location at a time. Thank you for inspiring many people to move forward their goals - I love your blog!