How much
Does your tongue have to bleed
Before you stop biting it?
Your heart is not a lion,
So why are you taming it?
God gave you a loud voice,
A voice box dripping revolution,
So quit trying lower your volume.
You were meant
To rattle the tectonic plates
Of anyone who has ever told you
That you’re not enough.
You were born fiery
Don’t let anyone put out your flame
With their tears of incompetence.
- Zienab Hamdan
Does your tongue have to bleed
Before you stop biting it?
Your heart is not a lion,
So why are you taming it?
God gave you a loud voice,
A voice box dripping revolution,
So quit trying lower your volume.
You were meant
To rattle the tectonic plates
Of anyone who has ever told you
That you’re not enough.
You were born fiery
Don’t let anyone put out your flame
With their tears of incompetence.
- Zienab Hamdan

At the end of my post, I want to recommend you an amazing online wedding and prom dress store.
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